it's a sickness, really
I love target. love love love it. probably more than is healthy. I may or may not have mentioned this before. I especially love having 3 big new targets within a 10 minute drive of my office so I can spend (waste) many a lunch hour cruising the aisles for red clearance tags. did you know there's stuff on clearance every single day?? for super cheap? it's true! trust me. I know. really.
I've bought packs of 24 crayons for $.03 each, multiple pairs of jeans for $5.48, a playhouse for isa for $6.24... I might not be good at many of things, but man, I am AWESOME at buying things I don't need for ridiculously low prices at target. yeah!
anyway, today, on yet another target rampage, I found this near the first aid section on a shelf with hair dye and method wipes. (my apologies for the really really bad photos.)
how cute is this?? it's a make your own stuffed giraffe set for kids. I realize it's for children 8 and up (says the package) and my child isn't even halfway there and is probably far too young to be playing with pointy needles, but I could not stop myself from buying it. so what should I do with it? hold onto it for 5 years? or... make it myself? can't decide... and look at all the crap it comes with. for less than $3. holy cow.
on top of that, I snagged these super cute summer dresses! they were not on clearance, but how could I resist?
unfortunately... these are not for me... they're for isa! she gets to be supercute this season (and all the time regardless!). and yes. those are owls! I seriously did not even realize it until I got home and took this photo. I thought it was just swirlies.
and I will try to not think about how the stick of deodorant that I bought looks like someone used it already. it's missing the little inside lid thing and... well. let's not talk about it. it needs to go back. pronto.
12:55 AM
oh (long neck) deer. you do seem to have contracted the concentric red circle disease. I hope I wasn't the one that gave it to you. Or did you give it to *me*? top
12:59 PM
if loving target that much is a disease, then i'm heavily afficted as well. so much cute stuff for all sorts of things!! great job on scoring that giraffe kit! too cute! top